Each Radiology Trends course includes a comprehensive review on the hot topics in radiology written by authorities in their fields.
Our innovative StudyBuddy worksheet helps technologists extract the most interesting, relevant and practical information from each review.
Also included is a short, multiple-choice Post-Test that is drawn mainly from the StudyBuddy. Simply return your completed Post-Test Answer Sheet using one of the following options:
- Use the postage-paid return envelope
- Fax your Answer Sheet for faster feedback
- Email it to CE@micinfo.com for the quickest results
Each Trends course allows you to earn Category A CE credits that are fully recognized by ARRT and NMTCB, and can be applied to your your biennial requirements, Structured Education Requirement, or CQR.

How Trends Work?
Innovative educational design
- Brief but comprehensive reviews of the hot topics in radiology
- Custom designed by MIC specifically for technologists
- StudyBuddy™ worksheet helps technologists summarize the most useful information
- A Post-Test follows the course content. No trick questions!
- Fill in the Post-Test Answer Sheet and return it to us by mail, fax, or email
- After your Answer Sheet is graded you will receive your StudyProgress Report which includes your Post-Test score and the official notification of the Category A CE Credits earned for that course
- You also receive the completed version of the StudyBuddy which contains all of the supplementary information to help you further understand the topics that are probed by each Post-Test question
- Earn Category A CE credits that are fully recognized by ARRT and NMTCB
You can’t get more current than Trends
- Up to date, state-of-the-art peer-reviewed presentations of clinical imaging strategies and technological principles
- The latest developments from authorities in their field
- Get the most relevant and accurate information drawn directly from medical journals and made available to you years before it appears in any textbook!
For the professional among professionals
- Trends strengthens the technologist’s clinical imaging decision-making
- Trends helps you select the right technique for the best diagnosis. In fact, radiologists will appreciate you sharing Trends with them!
- Managers will appreciate your initiative to stay current and improve your skills which serves to help them improve their own site objectives!
- Trends encourages more meaningful and effective dialog with your colleagues.