Imaging in Interventional Radiology in the Future

A review of major developments in imaging technology in IR over the past century, a look at the standard of care today, and a reflection on emerging advances that could shape the field of IR in the next century.

Course ID: Q00781 Category:
Modalities: , , , , , ,


Satisfaction Guarantee


Targeted CE per ARRT’s Discipline, Category, and Subcategory classification:
[Note: Discipline-specific Targeted CE credits may be less than the total Category A credits approved for this course.]

Cardiac-Interventional Radiography: 0.50
Image Production: 0.50
Image Acquisition and Equipment: 0.50

Computed Tomography: 0.25
Procedures: 0.25
Abdomen and Pelvis: 0.25

Vascular-Interventional Radiography: 0.50
Image Production: 0.50
Image Acquisition and Equipment: 0.50


  1. Introduction
  2. Vignette: The Radiologist and Patient Experience in 2023
  3. The Evolution and Emergence of Interventional Radiology
  4. The State and Future of Imaging Technologies in IR
    1. X-ray Imaging in IR
    2. MRI in IR
    3. US Imaging in IR
    4. Molecular Imaging in IR
    5. Multimodality Imaging in IR
  5. Imaging Enabling Advanced Interventions
  6. Conclusion
  7. Vignette: The Radiologist and Patient Experience in 2043


Upon completion of this course, students will:

  1. evaluate the expanded role of radiologists facilitated by medical imaging technology
  2. determine the role of radiologic technologists in CT-guided biopsy procedures
  3. identify key aspects of the paradigm shift in interventional radiologists’ practice
  4. recognize significant advancements in imaging technology
  5. identify the technology platforms currently used in IR
  6. determine the current features of fixed-room C-arms in the interventional suite
  7. analyze the evolution of helical CT scanners
  8. explore potential future advancements for C-arms
  9. evaluate the expected advancements in interventional CT scanners
  10. identify potential applications of AI in IR
  11. define the capability of generative AI in the context of medical imaging
  12. assess primary challenges in MRI-guided interventions
  13. determine innovations that have helped overcome challenges in MRI-guided procedures
  14. evaluate technology that has demonstrated major success in MRI-guided interventions
  15. identify characteristics of a mobile MRI unit
  16. assess how AI-assisted ultrasound imaging can improve interventional procedures
  17. predict how photoacoustic imaging will change IR
  18. determine potential uses of shear-wave ultrasound imaging for IR procedures
  19. identify common uses of molecular imaging in IR
  20. evaluate how real-time interventional PET/CT can help in IR procedures
  21. identify pervasive imaging modalities in modern standard of care
  22. determine a key advantage of hybrid room configurations in IR
  23. assess the potential value of hybrid suites in medical centers
  24. identify a technological advancement that has enabled more accurate evaluation of changes in tumors and normal tissue over time
  25. evaluate how advanced imaging technologies contribute to the emergence of experimental therapeutics
  26. determine how robots are currently used in IR
  27. assess the potential impact of AI on IR beyond image acquisition and reconstruction
  28. identify potential areas for interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary coordinated care involving IR
  29. hypothesize how a radiologist might determine the optimal freeze and thaw duration times during a cryoablation procedure