Early Invasive Breast Cancers

A practical approach to the detection and management of breast masses and asymmetries for the early detection of breast cancer.

Course ID: Q00298 Category:
Modalities: , ,


Satisfaction Guarantee


Targeted CE per ARRT’s Discipline, Category, and Subcategory classification for enrollments starting after February 8, 2023:
[Note: Discipline-specific Targeted CE credits may be less than the total Category A credits approved for this course.]

Breast Sonography: 2.25
Patient Care: 0.50
Patient Interactions and Management: 0.50
Image Production: 0.50
Evaluation and Selection of Representative Images: 0.50
Procedures: 1.25
Anatomy and Physiology: 0.25
Pathology: 0.75
Breast Interventions: 0.25

Mammography: 2.25
Patient Care: 0.25
Patient Interactions and Management: 0.25
Image Production: 0.25
Image Acquisition and Quality Assurance: 0.25
Procedures: 1.75
Anatomy, Physiology, and Pathology: 1.00
Mammographic Positioning, Special Needs, and Imaging Procedures: 0.75

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 1.50
Patient Care: 0.25
Patient Interactions and Management: 0.25
Procedures: 1.25
Body: 1.25

Nuclear Medicine Technology: 1.50
Patient Care: 0.25
Patient Interactions and Management: 0.25
Procedures: 1.25
Endocrine and Oncology Procedures: 1.25

Registered Radiologist Assistant: 2.25
Procedures: 2.25
Thoracic Section: 2.25

Sonography: 1.50
Patient Care: 0.25
Patient Interactions and Management: 0.25
Procedures: 1.25
Superficial Structures and Other Sonographic Procedures: 1.25

Radiation Therapy: 2.25
Patient Care: 1.00
Patient and Medical Record Management: 1.00
Procedures: 1.25
Treatment Sites and Tumors: 1.25


  1. Introduction
  2. An Approach to Detecting Masses and Focal Asymmetries at Screening Mammography
    1. Asymmetric Breast Tissue versus Focal Asymmetry
    2. Detecting Focal Asymmetries
  3. Evaluating a Mass or Focal Asymmetry Identified at Screening
    1. Diagnostic Evaluation of Masses and Focal Asymmetries
  4. Management of Breast Masses and Focal Asymmetries
    1. The Worst Feature Wins
    2. Malignant Features
    3. Benign Features
    4. Probably Benign
  5. Summary


Upon completion of this course, students will:

  1. identify how invasive breast cancer will appear on a mammogram
  2. understand why early detection of a mass or asymmetry is important
  3. identify survival rates for women with invasive breast carcinoma
  4. define a mass according to the BI-RADS reporting system
  5. define a focal asymmetry according to the BI-RADS reporting system
  6. identify the most common type of breast cancer
  7. learn the most efficient way to interpret mammograms
  8. list the required views for a screening mammogram
  9. explain why global asymmetry is of concern
  10. state the percentage of all cancers that are invasive lobular carcinomas
  11. explain how invasive lobular carcinoma spreads
  12. describe how cancer will manifest in dense breast tissue
  13. identify a positional necessity to image the retroareolar region
  14. know the importance of the appearance of Cooper’s Ligaments
  15. list which masses are typically benign
  16. understand why a typically benign mass may not be benign
  17. explain which interpretation practices can improve sensitivity
  18. identify the next step in patient care after identifying a mass or asymmetry at screening mammography
  19. list the reasons for additional imaging
  20. identify the views required during recall examinations
  21. name the views for lateral projections
  22. list the views helpful in localizing a lesion
  23. identify another modality helpful in confirming a focal asymmetry
  24. identify views helpful in finding a lesion only seen on a CC view
  25. identify views helpful in finding a lesion only seen on a MLO view
  26. describe how lesions move during positioning
  27. list indications for breast MRI
  28. list mammographic indications for breast biopsy
  29. list features found on ultrasound that would indicate breast biopsy
  30. describe how to effectively follow benign features
  31. name the BI-RADS category for a new lesion with benign features
  32. know the most frequently misapplied BI-RADS category
  33. list the primary reasons for a probably benign assessment
  34. know how to assure proper use of BI-RADS category 3
  35. understand characteristics which would make an asymmetric finding worrisome