CE MR Imaging of the Heart

Overview of the principles and applications of cardiac MR imaging with an emphasis on the use of contrast media.

Course ID: Q00132 Category:
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This course has been approved for 3.0 Category A credits.
No discipline-specific Targeted CE credit is currently offered by this course.


  1. Introduction
  2. General Considerations for Contrast-enhanced Cardiac MR Imaging
  3. Categories of Contrast Agents for Cardiac MR Imaging
  4. Role of Contrast Agents for Evaluation of Cardiac Anatomy and Function
    1. Anatomy
    2. Ventricular Function
    3. Myocardial Tagging
    4. Perfusion MR Imaging
    5. Microvascular Integrity
    6. Myocardial Viability
    7. Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis
    8. Cardiac Masses, Thrombi, and Infections
    9. Pediatric Applications
  5. Coronary MR Angiography
  6. Future Developments
    1. Very High Static Fields
    2. Interventional MR Imaging of the Heart
  7. Conclusion


Upon completion of this course, students will:

  1. know the the leading cause of death in the United States
  2. understand what conditions MRI is the most accurate test for evaluating
  3. understand what adversely affects T1 contrast in cardiac MRI
  4. understand what adversely affects EPI sequences in cardiac MRI
  5. know what is necessary for parallel imaging
  6. understand the benefits for cardiac MRI derived from parallel imaging
  7. know how many different classifications of MR contrast agents there are
  8. understand what extracellular agents are used for in the heart
  9. be familiar with what blood pool agents contain
  10. know what type of agent is formed by binding gadolinium chelates to plasma components
  11. understand the characteristics of gadolinium
  12. understand the characteristics of iron oxide based agents
  13. know what pulse sequence cine imaging is best done with
  14. understand what contrast agents adversely affect cine images
  15. understand what myocardial tagging is used to evaluate
  16. be familiar with contrast agent timing considerations for myocardial tagging
  17. know the name of the non-contrast technique to evaluate myocardial perfusion
  18. know the most practical technique to evaluate myocardial perfusion
  19. understand how dynamic first pass imaging is performed
  20. know what pulse sequences are used for dynamic first pass imaging
  21. know which pharmaceutical agent is preferred for stress perfusion
  22. understand what microvascular obstruction is caused by
  23. understand how myocardial viability can be evaluated
  24. be familiar with the the strengths and weaknesses of various methods to assess myocardial viability
  25. know what pulse sequence is used for delayed hyper-enhancement
  26. know the most accurate exam for determining myocardial viability
  27. understand what focal contrast enhancement with associated wall motion abnormality is indicative of
  28. know what fatty infiltration of the myocardium with associated wall motion abnormality is indicative of
  29. understand for what condition MR evaluation of the pulmonary veins is commonly used
  30. know what technique can be used to differentiate cardiac tumor from thrombus
  31. know what the most common cardiac tumor is
  32. be familiar with the defining characteristics of a myxoma on MRI
  33. understand what slice thickness should be used to evaluate for cardiac thrombus
  34. be familiar with alternatives when breath hold imaging is not possible
  35. understand what technique is used to perform coronary artery imaging with MRI
  36. know what navigator is used to monitor
  37. be familiar with the benefits of contrast-enhanced MRA
  38. understand from what contrast agent 3D navigator MRA may benefit
  39. know what condition patients with Kawasaki disease are likely to develop
  40. be familiar with which modality that may eventually be used to guide RF ablation and Stem cell transplant