Applications of Whole-Body 3T MRI

In the second of a two-part series about high-field-strength MR imaging, clinical applications are presented.

Course ID: Q00463 Category:


Satisfaction Guarantee


Targeted CE per ARRT’s Discipline, Category, and Subcategory classification for enrollments starting after January 28, 2025:
[Note: Discipline-specific Targeted CE credits may be less than the total Category A credits approved for this course.]

Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 2.75
Procedures: 2.75
Neurological: 1.00
Body: 0.75
Musculoskeletal: 1.00


  1. Introduction
  2. Body Applications of High-Field-Strength MR Imaging
    1. Cardiac MR Imaging
    2. Breast
    3. Abdomen
    4. Pelvis
    5. Musculoskeletal Applications
    6. Proton MR Spectroscopy
    7. Pediatric Imaging
  3. Conclusion


Upon completion of this course, students will:

  1. identify techniques used in the reduction of repeat sequences in the setting of clinical patient motion
  2. establish the advantages of fat separation techniques in MRI sequences
  3. identify which MR system design proves most advantageous in the setting of patients presenting with claustrophobic or bariatric conditions, while maintaining diagnostic accuracy
  4. define the magnetohydrodynamic effect as it applies to cardiac MRI
  5. establish the primary disadvantage of steady-state free precession sequences in cardiac MRI applications
  6. identify the corrective measures to susceptibility effects in steady-state free precession sequences
  7. establish the primary advantage when utilizing parallel imaging in cardiac MRI
  8. understand the effect on saturation as flip angles are adjusted in gradient echo sequences
  9. define saturation in an MRI pulse sequence
  10. establish and define the condition of steady state
  11. identify the optimal imaging modality when evaluating for coronary artery stenosis
  12. identify the advantages and uses of cardiac perfusion
  13. define the function of myocardial tagging techniques
  14. identify breast cancer in an MRI imaging scenario
  15. define the technical requirements of contrast imaging with breast MRI protocols
  16. identify the cause of T1 variations in breast imaging at 3T
  17. identify the sequences defined as functional breast MRI techniques
  18. define dynamic susceptibility contrast sequences
  19. establish the advantages in MR spectroscopy at higher field strengths
  20. learn the corrective method to SAR-related difficulties in 3T imaging of the abdomen
  21. identify the overall image contrast effect of higher field strength imaging when utilizing iron oxide-based contrast agents in the liver
  22. identify the newest vendor mechanism in reduction of respiratory motion artifacts in abdominal MRI
  23. identify the pancreas as an organ specifically benefitting from the increased spatial resolution possible at 3T
  24. identify corrective measures in the reduction of respiratory motion artifacts in prostate MRI
  25. establish proper patient preparation measures that help to reduce artifacts from abdominal/bowel motion
  26. show the advantage in applying functional imaging in the prostate gland
  27. identify the advantage of 3T as applied to prostate MR spectroscopy
  28. learn the techniques in female pelvic MRI used to improve patient outcomes and increase compliance
  29. identify the value of 3T pelvic MRI in the setting of local tumor staging
  30. identify the advantages of 3T fat suppression in musculoskeletal applications
  31. define the primary disadvantage of 3T as applied to musculoskeletal MRI
  32. learn the main corrective measure to chemical shift artifacts
  33. identify the goal of MRI pulse sequences in cartilage examinations
  34. define T2 mapping techniques
  35. establish optimal scan conditions with smaller joints
  36. learn to clinically apply spectroscopy at higher field strengths
  37. understand the impact of 3T on the spectroscopy volume
  38. identify the regions most prone to the susceptibility effects of 3T spectroscopy applications
  39. establish the advantages of high field as it applies to pediatric imaging populations
  40. define the primary disadvantage in high field strength pediatric MRI